Most people don’t know what a Home Energy Audit/Assessment is, let alone how it can help you, your family, and your home.
Are your energy bills higher than you think they should be?
Do you have a temperature difference within your home?
Ever wonder why you can’t keep a consistent temperature in your home?
Ever wonder if you have a small gas leak that you can’t smell?
Are you concerned about your indoor air quality?
These are just a few reasons why a Home Energy Assessment is necessary for your home.
Contact Allied Experts today and schedule your Home Energy Audit
What is an Energy Audit?
Getting a Home Energy Audit of your home is the first step to finding out what is going on inside your house when it comes to energy use and misuse. The audit will find out what parts of your home are consuming the most energy. It can also determine other issues such as filtration and ventilation problems. It essentially determines if you are living in a safe and healthy home.
What to Expect?
I interviewed Mark Agosto, a certified Home Energy Auditor, to see exactly what steps he takes in a comprehensive Home Energy Assessment. These are the steps a technician should be taking during your home assessment.
Mark Agosto
The certified technician will give you a step-by-step overview of what will take place during your assessment.
Our expert technician will do a health and safety check of your gas fired furnace.
He will look at all your HVAC equipment and your water heater to see how old they are, if they are energy efficient, and if they are sized and installed properly.
Then he will thoroughly inspect your attic. He will be looking for air sealing and insulation problems, moisture, electrical and structural issues.
Pictures are taken to capture this information for the engineering and proposal department and for the technician’s overview of the project.
Photographs of the outside of the home are taken as well.
The technician will do a detailed sketch of your home and take interior measurements.
They will use special equipment to check for gas leaks.
They will help identify where there are energy leaks and waste.
They may use thermal imaging on the outside of your home to see where air is leaking out.
They may also do a blower door test.
Agosto says these are the questions he will ask you at your energy audit.
Do you have trouble with uneven temperatures?
Do you feel your energy bills are too high?
Does anyone in the home suffer from any breathing issues such as asthma?
Lastly, the technician will sit down and review what was discovered during your inspection.
Before your audit, Agosto also suggests that you:
1. Gather your most recent energy bill. These will show a year’s worth of energy usage. The technician needs to identify high usage and unusual usage behavior. This is critical to a proper Home Energy Assessment.
2. Prepare a list of problems you have detected in your home such as:
Poor heating or cooling distribution between rooms
Running out of hot water
Condensation issues.
Indoor air quality problems
What’s Next?
Save Energy-Save Money
Allied Experts have helped over 10,000 homeowners resolve their healthy home and energy-efficiency problems
We have our own Engineering and Proposal Department to make sure we get the best answers for your home
We do all the work ourselves. We do not subcontract
We help qualified homeowners get 0% loans.
We help homeowners get rebates and incentives through the New Jersey Clean Energy program. These can be up to $4,000
We file for all your township permits
We offer high quality products
We offer MERV filters to help prevent the spread of germs
And we are always here for you after we do your job
Call Allied Experts today and schedule your Home Energy Audit