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Allied Experts like many companies have been drastically affected by the COVD-19 pandemic. Our business model relies on personal interaction and long term connections with our customers.  COVID-19 has interrupted some of that personal connection as well as affecting our supporting supply companies and our personal marketing efforts. It is Allied’s belief to follow the mandated protocol of the state to ensure the safety of our Allied customers and our Allied Experts team members. 

As we navigate these uncertain times the BPA has been keeping its focus on getting contractors back to work safely and making sure that energy efficiency programs remain fully funded and prepared for the COVID challenges ahead. Current efforts focus on three main areas: Health & Safety, Supporting State EE Programs and Monitoring Ongoing State Public Utilities Proceedings.

The BPA testified before the House Select Committee and urged Congress to act to advance energy efficiency in buildings and pass legislation that will enable more American families and businesses to access efficiency upgrades.

These measures will help Companies in the HVAC and Home Performance industries keep moving forward to enable homeowners to have access to state benefits and rebates to make their homes more energy efficient. In doing so, they will lower their utilities bills and lower each homeowners carbon footprint.

That is where the Hope For Homes act comes in. 

Since the start of the pandemic, the energy efficiency sector has lost over 413,000 jobs with projections to lose many more if immediate action is not taken. HOPE for HOMES Act proposes $500 million to support online training for contractors, preparing them to significantly advance America’s existing home infrastructure through the $6 billion Home Energy Savings Rebate program. 

The HOPE for HOMES Act of 2020 will:

Create rebates for homeowners to invest in energy efficiency improvements, including:

$800 to add insulation to their home.

$1,500 for adding insulation and replacing part of their HVAC system.

$2,000 for retrofits that lead to savings of 20-40% of whole-house energy use.

$4,000 for retrofits that save at least 40% of whole-house energy use.

Doubling the rebate amount for moderate income families.

Authorize $500 million in grants to help develop training curriculums and assist companies in providing financial incentives to contractors to undertake online training to advance their capabilities to efficiently retrofit homes.

Provide $1,000 per employee rehired, up to $10,000 total, to contracting companies willing to cover the costs of training and technology upgrades needed to achieve online learning.

Provide a $1,000 stipend to contractors who complete the HOPE Training and are prepared to advance their careers and help homeowners with home retrofits.

We need your help! Please join us by signing on to this letter and ask congressional leaders to support the bipartisan legislation.

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