Today’s heating systems are truly a thing of beauty. They’re sturdy, simple to operate, and considerably more eco-friendly and energy efficient than the older models. A professionally installed and maintained furnace will work efficiently for years without needing any sort of heating system replacement in Cherry Hill, NJ.
That being said, no device is indestructible. Although careful maintenance and proper preparation can keep your furnace healthy for a long time, regular wear and tear will eventually cause it to lose efficiency or break down in some way.
So what are the top 5 telltale signs of a furnace that’s at the end of its life? Can an old furnace be dangerous for your health? How long should a furnace last? We’ll be answering these questions in the following article. Keep reading to learn more.
How do you know if your furnace is dying?
Furnaces rarely break down all at once, so you should be able to spot the signs of a dying furnace long before it actually fails.
Also, don’t forget your furnace may not be the main reason why your HVAC system isn’t working as well as you’d like. Problematic ductwork, insufficient insulation, damaged thermostat, and air leaks can all cause HVAC problems even if the furnace is in a great condition.
Here are 5 telltale signs of a failing furnace:
It’s breaking down all the time. Furnaces are kind-of like cars in that they start breaking down more often as they age. If this is the case with your furnace, replacement is almost always a more cost-effective option in the long run.
Inefficiency. Furnaces become less energy-efficient as they age. If you’ve noticed a sudden and inexplicable jump in your utility bills, you should have your furnace checked by an expert.
The air is dry. Old or failing furnaces can reduce the humidity in your house. If not addressed, this will have a negative effect on your indoor air quality, which can in turn aggravate various respiratory conditions and damage some of your belongings.
Finding a lot of dust, rust, dirt, and soot in your home is a common sign of an old and dirty furnace.
It’s cracked and rusted. Damage of this kind is a sure sign of a furnace that’s getting too long in the tooth and needs to be replaced.
When should I replace my heater?
How long your heater lasts depends largely on which kind of furnace it uses, how much you use it, and how well it’s maintained. Keep in mind that, even if your furnace isn’t at the end of its life, replacing it with a newer, more energy-efficient model may still be a better financial decision in the long run.
Here are the average lifespans of different types of furnaces:
Electric: 20-30 years
Oil: up to 25 years
Natural gas: 10-20 years
Propane: 15-30 years
The best way to determine whether getting a replacement would be more beneficial than holding onto the old one is to compare your current energy bills and costs of maintenance with the cost of installation and long-term energy savings a new model would provide.
Where can I get a top-notch heating replacement in Cherry Hill, NJ?
A dying furnace isn’t just bad for the environment and your electric bill: it can actually fill your house with health-endangering dirt and dust, as well as change your indoor air quality for the worse.
Here at Allied Experts, we’d like to help you avoid this problem by supplying you with the finest HVAC system replacement and maintenance services in Cherry Hill. Get in touch with us today and enjoy a pleasant afternoon at the Ashland Park while we make your HVAC-related worries go away.